The best part of the job is first to dream up the theme. It can twist and turn throughout and jump wildly from what was the initial aesthetic, to the end result. For instance, this collection was supposed to be bold primary colours and sleeker 60’s style lines. But finding some vintage heart in mouth heavenly florals with horses on them wildly diverted the colour palette and vibe.

But that’s all part of the fun. We’ve tried so many times to be on trend and tonal and dumb down the colour palette. Keep it a little more simple, less is more but it’s just not in the Binny DNA. There is ALWAYS a cacophony of colour, fun, details and drama and that’s really what we are always, all about. There will always just be a little bit more trim, trim, trim. Ribbon & ricrac, scallop or smocking, ticking & tape.

Exactly the same goes for the shoots. Undoubtedly it will rain when we want it to shine and or the opposite. This time, I wanted ethereal, misty, sophisticated. Somehow that ended up with also wanting some miniature donkeys. We ended up with ducks, baby goats, alpacas, miniature lambs, did we say lots and lots of alpacas and very nosy sheep. A tiny little van that chirruped and squeaked and continuously produced a never ending array of hilariously cute badly behaved animals. A furious fluffy cat primped for the shot who refused to get out of the car and or smile.

A completely unplanned but brilliant so much better eventual result, helped by the most amazing hosts, who delivered brownies, fresh berries and caffeine, whipped up wooden antique swings without asking, lent us gators and gumboots and all based in our backyard, the beautiful special Adelaide Hills.

Days like that day, and then getting back the videos, the campaign, the laughs just make the job a absolute joy and remind me why nearly 14 years later we are still getting up at five am, driving through the dark with a rattling steamer in the back and a mountain of things we never use.

Hope you like it and enjoy the behind the scenes clips as much as we did on the day.