Robyn from Lienert Farm
Tell us whereabouts you grew up & whereabouts your family home is in South Australia.
I was born at Keith in SA, and lived at Tintinara. I went to boarding school in year 8 and never returned to Tintinara to live.
Are you still living here?
I now live on a farm at Sheaoak Log in SA
What are your fondest memories growing up here?
It was the most simple childhood... My mum and dad owned the Tintinara 4 square store. The weekends were filled with riding bikes, building cubbies, meeting friends in the street, leaving home at 8 in the morning and returning on dark that night. No social media so face to face it was. Being such a small town everyone knew everyone, I loved that. I used to hang out in the shop a lot. Mum ran the 'drapery' so I would help her serve customers. This is where I learnt to count back change from cash sales... a simple lesson but one that is still valuable to me because there is not many young people that can do that these days so it's a handy skill to have! My fondest memory of Tintinara is the simplicity... Beautiful crisp air, slow moving town, tidy house yards, groomed gardens... it feels like when I look back on it that 'time nearly stood still' - I get watery eyes and a warm heart thinking about it.
Give us a run-down of the members in your family
& what you each do for a living?
Our family consist of myself, my husband (kym)
and three children Rubi 26, Matilda 24 and Sadie 21
Kym - Farmer ... and very typical farmer, watches the weather 24/7,
glass half empty... and if you ask him... he has never once been right!!!! (and that comes from living with 4 girls!!!)
Rubi - teacher at primary level, studying Auslan to help with her teaching and understanding the deaf children in her class - I think this is a very clever thing to do and it fills my cup to know she is trying to help the kids
Matilda - Registered nurse... moved to Darwin to study midwifery - I think nurses are incredible and have a compassion within themselves that is selfless and kind, and I am so proud that Matilda is furthering her nursing education - midwifery is a child hood drem of hers.
Sadie - Final year of Ag Science - hopefully on completion of her degree she gets a position doing something she loves - Ag is quite an open arena for females these days so the choices are broad - Cant want to see where it all takes her.
Me - I work at Kaesler Wines. I work in accounts, and manage the office and other day to day runnings - I work with great people and look forward to going to the winery every day.
Describe the relationship & connection between all of you.
Our family connection is so solid. We all wear our hearts on our sleeves... there are no secrets... we call each other out... we argue.. we love... we care and we back each other in. The kids are the most funnest things that could have happened to Kym and myself. They ring me at least once every day, sometimes five!!!! - usually when they are driving because that suits them!!!! they overshare everything that happens to them. I tell them to talk to me about annoyances and no one else - it's a fickle world out there!!
Where is your favourite place to visit in SA other than home?
Our shack at Tailem Bend - literally a tin shed on a beautiful landing.
Describe your individual styles. You are all super stylish!
I am not really guided by 'whats in at the moment' - I really know what I like - I think my taste is unusual - I pick up bits and pieces of different things a lot! I dig quite hard to find interesting pieces.... I sometimes spend lots of money on one piece and sometimes find loved items extremely cheap! If I like it I buy it!! I love boho, vintage, denim, frills, We all share everything! - that way we justify our 'over' purchasing!
We adored you in our Binny Cricket jumpers!
Tell us about your connection & relationship with cricket.
Well, my connection with cricket is being a 'college girl' and sitting on the hill with 'college boys' getting half cut and not watching a single ball!! So the social side of it!!
What is your favourite way to style Cricket Jumpers?
Either a very thin t-shirt or singlet underneath or just the jumpers with a bra underneath. I liked the little mini tuck, and I liked baggy or drop crotch jeans with a belt.... I think cut off denim shorts would look super cool too.
We have spotted you all in a few of our pieces.
What is it you love about Binny Wear?
I think there will be Binny in my wardrobe for the rest of my life, I love the colours, styles and fit. We have lots of Binny and just keep going back for more. I find that I can wear it for any occasion. I know a few of the pieces we all say just wear it and 'own it'... Binny wear would be in my top 3 designers.
Made In South Australia.
The Island.