B is for Brilliant Ideas.
The Bored Jar, Bubbles & Baking in the best shade of blue.
We love school holidays. No routines, no lunchboxes & making memories with our best little friends.
Scavenger Hunt.
When possible, I love to get the kids outside during the holidays. I whipped up some scavenger hunt sheets, one for indoors and one for outdoors, right after we all started staying home in March last year, and much to my surprise they went viral!
I was being sent photos of celebrities using them with their children and received so many gorgeous messages. My kids absolutely love using them, so we’ll often pop them on a clip board and head outside in nature to find all the things. If you mix up your locations you can use the same one, many times.
DIY Fun Jar.
If it’s a cooler or rainy day, I’ll pull out our DIY ‘Fun Jar’. Some people call this a ‘bored jar’ because you use it when the kids say they are bored. Is there anything more vexing?!
I made a printable for this too, but parents and children can make their own activity ideas to fill the jar, based on whatever they like to do! We have the basics in ours, like baking a cake, blowing bubbles, having a dance party, finding flowers in the garden and more.
All images shot by @hellourbansafari.