For those that may not know. Before fashion there was a chef’s apprenticeship, many years in kitchens & events. Stints with industry stalwarts such as Chyka, Judy Romano, Andrew Blake, Cheong Liew. So, it’s not rocket science that we absolutely love the art of entertaining. From the food to the flowers to the forks to the table to the tea towels it’s so fun to hone in on the details & not just the dresses.
It has been a joy to reconnect with the magical creature that is blonde pocket rocket beach babe Emma Reeves. Whose food should be framed it’s just so beautiful to look at. Many moons ago we worked as her incredibly awkward kitchen hand during her cooking schools. In front of a very esteemed group of Adelaide matriarch’s we nervously threw out the prawn stock base for the laksa that Emma had been painstakingly teaching the group to make for the last hour. Luckily we’ve all moved on.
Her innate cool style transcends to the plate and her home, that’s tucked into a hillside overlooking Adelaide. We’ve spent hours marvelling at the treasures sourced mainly from her grandmother who ran one of Australia’s finest homewares emporiums. One of the first to be importing incredible brands from Scandinavia and beyond. Modern mixed with vintage mixed with colour and treasure.
Her favourite place to entertain is tucked into the wildness of the Limestone Coast that’s like a second home to us also. Her stories of parties, food & kitchens can entertain for hours, all the while feeding us the simplest most amazing things, like bruschetta with the softest freshest stracciatella just flown in from Melbourne, the zingiest tomatoes & olive oil that sings.
And so we gift you Emma Reeves’ lemon themed recipes to celebrate the launch of our new Resort Collection, “When Life Gives you Lemons” and especially to you our favourite Ladies, who Lunch.

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